IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
IJMB time table and how you can get assistance in IJMb exam.
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IJMB Official Exam Date According to the timetable, the Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination for the 2022 academic session will commence on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 and end on Friday, June 24, 2022 IJMB Biology Paper III (Alternative A) Practical Specimens ijmb biology practical specimen
1. SPECIMEN A – Provided as a figure on the Question Paper.
2. SPECIMEN B – Cultured and live Culex/ Anopheles larvae in water
3. SPECIMEN C – Cray fish
4. SPECIMEN D – Complete Anodonta/ Bivalve
5. SPECIMEN E – Pigeon/ Bird
6. SPECIMEN F – Groundnut pod
7. SPECIMEN G – Mango fruit
8. SPECIMEN H – Tomatoes fruit
9. SPECIMEN I – Cashew fruit
10. SPECIMEN J – Okro fruit
11. SPECIMEN K – Clayey soil
12. SPECIMEN L – Sandy soil ♥
IJMB Chemistry Paper III (Alternative A) Practical Instructions to Schools ijmb chemistry practical specimen
1a) Solution A: Prepare 0.25 mole dm3 aqueous solution of methanoic acid (HCOOH).
Make available for each student about 50cm3 of the solution.
b) Solution B: Prepare 0.15 mole dm3 aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH). Make available for each student about 100cm3 of the solution.
c) Prepare methyl orange and phenolphthalein indicators for acid-base titrations.
2. Each student should be provided with the following samples (about 1g each) appropriately labeled as SAMPLE A1 and SAMPLE A2. THESE SHOULD BE THE CONTENT OF EACH SAMPLE AND THIS INFORMATION SHOULD NOT BE DISCLOSED TO THE CANDIDATES. SAMPLE A1 = BENZOIC ACID SAMPLE A2 = COPPER(II) TRIOXONITRATE(V) Ensure that all necessary test reagents for inorganic and organic qualitative analysis are provided on the laboratory benches. www.blastexam.com.ng
IJMB Physics Paper III (Alternative A) Practical Instructions to Schools
ijmb physics practical specimen
2A. i. Wide measuring cylinder and graduated test – tube fitted with mm scale. (e.g. by improvising with a strip of mm graph paper). Measure its internal radius and record it as r(cm).
ii. At least six (6) pieces of lead shot or any pieces of metal or heavy objects of the same size. iii. Plenty water.
3A. i. Ammeter (0-5A) labelled X or any one available range.
ii. Voltmeter (0-5V) labelled Y or any one available range
iii. Resistance box.
iv. Key/ switch.
v. Battery D.C power source.
vi. Enough connecting wires.
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