ADSU Post-UTME/DE registration form, cut-off marks, eligibility, application cost, and registration details for the 2022/2023 academic session have been announced. Cut-off mark is 150, Cost is N2000. See full details below;
This is to inform all UTME Candidates that scored 150 and above at the 2022 JAMB Examinations and Direct Entry Applicants that Choose Adamawa State University, Mubi as their first choice that the ONLINE SCREENING FOR ADMISSIONS INTO ADAMAWA STATE UNIVERSITY IS SCHEDULED TO COMMENCE ON Wednesday 21st September, 2022.
Furthermore, Candidates who did not choose Adamawa State University, Mubi but are now willing, are advised to log onto JAMB website and effect change of their first choice of institution to Adamawa State University, Mubi.
The Screening Exercise is expected to end on 1st November, 2022.
Method of Application
All qualified Candidates are expected to log onto the University website at https://adsu_postutme.admissions.cloud/ and make payment of the sum of TWO THOUSAND NAIRA ONLY ONLINE ,then click on POST UTME SCREENING to complete the form
Candidates who did not choose Adamawa State University, Mubi but are now willing, are advised to log onto JAMB website and effect change of their first choice of institution to Adamawa State University, Mubi.
A. The screening exercise will commence from Wednesday 21st September to 21st November, 2022.
B. Screening fee: N2000
C. Method of payment – ONLINE
D. Scan and upload relevant documents such as;
i. JAMB result/DE slip ii. ‘O’ / `A’ level results
ii. Candidates awaiting their ‘O’ Level result should state so.
iv. Candidates are advised to use their JAMB registration number as user name and surname as password (as on the UTME/DE registration slip).
For further enquiries, visit the University website www.adsu.edu.ng
Please note, no physical appearance is required throughout the exercise. Registration closes October 29th, 2021
Thank you.
Signed Mal. Yahya J, Bobboi (Esq.)
Ag. Registrar
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source https://donprosper.com/adsu-post-utme-screening-form-for-2022-2023-session/